TrailMaster Infrared Trail Monitors
10614 Widmer
Lenexa, KS 66215
US Calls:
800 544 5415
913 345 8555
913 345 8272

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Description Unit Cost Quan. Total $

TRAILMASTER 1050 Active Infrared Game Monitor (can not be used with accessories) $230.00 _____ $________
TRAILMASTER 1550 Active Infrared Game Monitor (can be used with accessories) $290.00 _____ $________
TRAILMASTER 550 Passive Infrared Game Monitor (can be used with accessories) $210.00 _____ $________
TM 1550-4k 4000 Event Active Infrared Trail Monitor (can be used with accessories) $370.00 _____ $________
TM 1550-8k 8000 Event Active Infrared Trail Monitor (can be used with accessories) $420.00 _____ $________
TM 1550-16k 16000 Event Active Infrared Trail Monitor (can be used with accessories) $470.00 _____ $________
TM 1550-Bat Active Infrared Bat Monitor w/ Adjustable Transmitter (can be used with accessories) $390.00 _____ $________
TM 1550-PS Active Infrared Trail Monitor w/ Advance Camera Controls (can be used with accessories) $390.00 _____ $________
TM 1550-PS-BAT Active Infrared Trail Monitor w/ Advance Camera Controls and Adjustable Transmitter(can be used with accessories) $450.00 _____ $________
TM Multi-Camera Trigger II (Accessory for TM550, TM1500, TM1550 and TM Intervalometer) $75.00 _____ $________
TRAILMASTER Intervalometer $290.00 _____ $________
TM Digital CAMERA KIT - weather-proof point and shoot digital camera, 25' cable, tree-pod $ N.A. _____ $________
TM DATA COLLECTOR II Data Retriever and Cable for TM550 and TM1500 and TM1550 $290.00 _____ $________
TM StatPack Software and Cable accessory for TM550, TM1500, TM1550 and TM700v $150.00 _____ $________
TM StatPack SoftwareUpgrade for Versions 47-86 (No cable included.) $100.00 _____ $________
TM700v Passive Infrared Video Trail Monitor $595.00 _____ $________
TM700v-RT Passive Infrared Video Trail Monitor w/remote trigger input $695.00 _____ $________
TM VIDEO CAMERA accessory for TM700v (nightshot-0LUX)(Special Order Contact TrailMaster for availability) $1200.00 _____ $________
TM WEATHER-PROOF VIDEO HOUSING accessory for TM700v $ N.A. _____ $________
TM Video Light Controller w/Red Light & Infrared Light $400.00 _____ $________
TM 25 ft. Camera Cable (replacement for TrailMaster Camera Kit - Specify CAMERA) ______________ $15.00 _____ $________
TM Nikon camera to Nikon Strobe adapter cable (Up to three Nikon strobes) $500.00 _____ $________
TM Canon camera to Nikon Strobe adapter cable (Up to three Nikno strobes) $500.00 _____ $________
Nikon DSLR Cable (TM Nikon 10 Pin -$100.00 x_____) (TM MC-DC1 - $100.00 x____) (TM MC DC2 -$100.00 x_____) _____ $________
Canon DSLR Cable (TM 80N3 -$100.00 x_____) (TM 60E3 - $50.00 x____) (TM 60T3 -$100.00 x____) _____ $________
OTHER: ______________________________________________________ Rev.140120S ______ _____ $________

Charge:  M/C     VISA

Name on Card: ______________________________________

Card # _____________________________Exp. Date:_______

Security Code:____________

CC Billing Address: ___________________________________

City: _______________________________State:___________

Zip Code:____________
Merchandise TOTAL $ __________
SHIPPING UPS $ __________
Canada $ __________
Special serv. $ __________
FED X $ __________
TOTAL $ __________